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Proof of Spacetime (PoSt)

Proof of Spacetime (PoSt) is a mechanism, associated with Filecoin, whereby native cryptoassets are awarded to nodes that store user data. Proof of Spacetime and Proof of Replication are part of Filecoin's Proof of Storage model, which helps secure the network and is considered part of its consensus model. Proof of Spacetime enables storage providers to prove they have stored other users' data for a specified amount of time. Proofs of Replication provide confirmation that a user's data has been replicated on a uniquely dedicated segment of the miner's hardware. Proofs of Spacetime are generated through the creation of sequential Proofs of Replication and the recursive composition of executions. After a miner generates a PoSt, anyone in the network may confirm if the contributions claimed by the miner are correct by examining the blockchain. Proof of Spacetime is not to be confused with 'Proof of Space and Time', a distinct mechanism.